Friday, June 12, 2009

so blog the first page

so blog the first page

Blog Tips To be Shown in the First Page Search Engine

The rapid competition in the world of blogs, bloggers must be smart as a smart set of how to eksist always do in the post.
If not, how to post the results we are on the first order. Not impossible just a blogger post just to spread his article, but in addition it also mangambil advantage of the blog. Moreover, for adsense if the user is able to sail the seven heavens to earn a living can have up to a 4-digit even more perbulannya.
How to continue if we are on the articles under their own order, it is minimal people who will open our blog, although interesting contents. Perhaps you have experienced themselves.

Now is the blog we are on the first position in google, how can the interaction with the SEO. The goal is so easy to appear on the first page of search engines with targeted keywords

Here's a few tips I hope can be a reference to your new / start to build blog;

1.Cek keywords that will use the theme for your blog on search engines, if more than 100jt competitors, find another mild aja dech, a more targeted.

2.Periksa backlink blog search engine competitors in the order of 1-5, if rata2 still under 300an continue.! Later, I will study again in the next article on the business strengths and advantages backlink.

3.Nama domain blog contains at least 1 keyword / keywords in the same post title / theme of your blog title.

4.Ciptakan keyword on its own with the theme of your blog does not remove the main word keywords.
For example the main keyword is "Business" or "Online Business" mengkreasikannya then you can start from 2-3 prasa keywords. Example: business motivation, Alternative business, internet business articles, business blog beginners, business mantaf online, alternative product business, and lain2. If the trouble to create their own keywords, try to open Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)!

5.Cek keyword in the search engine google blog Is competitors on the search is on average they show the index page, because if so may be more difficult for the show posted on our blog search engine first. Still Confused?

See this screenshot with the keyword "Internet Business Articles". (Showing page sub / post them)!

See this screenshot with the keyword "Online Business". ! (Index page Menapilkan them)!

Well, from the second sample image above shows that the image display No.2 blog index page.

6.Untuk try to write a new blog article / blog update every day, the content of the course content relevant to the theme of the blog. So that search engines more quickly to your blog and put it into their directory. Because most search engines like blogs that are always with the update.

7.Submit in your blog, to help speed up your blog listed in google search engine.

8.Cari keywords that competitors will be at least better, but most often sought. Well I should do this ... hehe
PS: Just remember, do not choose a blog topic just because you think other people like it, make sure you select the topic you like and as little menguasainya.
Articles about the tricks that show posted on the first blog search engine tips the illusion is just my personal, if the absorption in knowledge please correct if wrong please sarannya love! Hopefully useful ..

Posted by ferry

How The List Of Facebook

How The List Of Facebook

Now that facebook is being increased leaf, is actually not much different with frienster. Including how the list is also not much different. But that's the issue I hear from friends at the campus said the list is rather difficult. Apalai entries vertivikasi often said sometimes fail. Although they eventually succeeded in the list Tati also need a way how can.
This time I'll share a little sign up facebook so I can later join a community "face books" that have taken over the public's attention from friends. Facebook is considered more complete and more interesting than the actual saingannya first menapaki Indonesia.
Okay, now we try to explain how the list of facebook. Follow the steps below.
1. open website
2. Contents Full Name, email address, a keyword facebook login, gender, and date of birth
4. Open the email you entered earlier, and then click the link to activate verifikasinya your facebook account.
5. Follow the instructions on the facebook, for example, invite a friend in email contact, and so forth.
6. Edit the profile information and upload your profile picture
7. If you want to find friends who have facebook, live search aja name search form on the top right of the page that appears, will stay "add as friend" if it is met.
For more, you can learn while you own the road. Take a long time and can be used to designate an facebook smoothly. So for those who do not already have an account in the most popular social networking site, the quicker list of facebook, as many are also useful. Although caution is also because we can neglect the time.

Posted by ferry

Friday, June 5, 2009

How to Optimize Google Webmaster Tools

Optimizing Google Webmaster Tools is one of the factors that determine the success of your blog in Google Search Engine, it is trivial telihat even sometimes have a major if you are really serious optimize accordingly. Sehebat any techniques you specify keywords without setting a strong base on the Google Webmaster Tools all akan sia-sia saja. Not to make any settings this time I tried to reveal the secret, please learn:)

Adding format reserves in Sitemaps Feed

One way easier google spider mengindex page with mengarahkannya via Sitemaps. Diblogger Unfortunately we can not install itself Sitemaps address, so we would not want to use the default address Atom.xml feed. Did not you ever use a process target sitemap index page will always be successful. To avoid this problem I suggest you add the address sitemap backup at any time if needed. For bloggers themselves have 4 default feed format which can be used as a backup sitemap:



feeds / posts / default

feeds / posts / default? alt = rss

How to create a backup in the format Feed Sitemaps:

Sitemaps on the menu, then choose Add Sitemap. In the combo box, please select the Add Sitemap ago general input default feed options above.

Avoid duplicate code verification

Note that verification is only one address at a blog, most bloggers with a new easy to copy-paste the source code keblog other matter without the verification code is still stick to the old dikode. Although google only undertake the verification code in the blog address is not the goal we have one to avoid duplicate code verification. one of the weaknesses which the blogger to give freedom of choice ketidakmampuannya verification in the form of HTML files.

How to verify:

Tab on the tools menu choose Manage Site verification, and then on the option box, please select Add a meta tag. Please copy and paste the code into your Edit HTML page and the code is under letakan tag. If you already keep a blog and then go back to google webmaster and press command Verified. here until you have already successfully verified.

Set the speed of a web crawler (Googlebot)

How quickly you ask the Googlebot mengindex your page? sometimes we are too passionate to make the choice to Faster mode. although it is effective to accelerate the Googlebot mengindex pages but this is very risky and usually have a faster mode ration a certain time (expires), I suggest you maintain the course at the Normal Speed.

How to set the speed index web crawler (Googlebot):

On the Tools menu choose Set Crawl Site and check on Normal Recommended crawl rate.

Geographic Target Options

You want to compete the position of keywords on forget it if the content you full proof Indonesia. Do not fight too impose themselves on the global keyword google, in the competition is too heavy for non-english content and the light will hold the position of your keyword. In fact when someone searches, Google is already automatically redirect domain melakuan appropriate location country. Is the jelly you have to set the target search Geographic location, if the content you more likely to target language readers indonesia means you also from indonesia khan. I suggest that you have only focus on

How to determine the target Geographic:

On the Tools menu choose Set Geographic Target and check on a Associate Geographic location with this site to select your target country ingingkan, eg Indonesia.

Set preferred domain selection

Preferred choice of domain is still controversial, some say many webmasters when the search index will be more good if we only display if the domain name without the www, it should be noted this is not redirect the settings from the domain, but only way google displays the results of any search index. For this time I also dare not determine which option is the best .. if still in doubt you can select the option Do not set an association.

How to determine the Set preferred domain:

On the Tools menu choose Set Geographic Target and you can select option 3 is given, check one of them on the appropriate advice .. I still doubt if you can select the option Do not set an association

Provide ease mengindex google image on your blog:

You may not believe what a visitor blog om 20% comes from image search, for that I suggest you mengaktipkan this facility. Occasionally the search for the image file with a certain keyword here should be able to give you the name of the file target. once again there is not any secret to winning in the image search index, you need only specify the image file name in accordance with the Relevant keyword.

How to determine the Enhanced image search:

On the Tools menu, please select Enhanced image search and then check the I would like to enable enhanced image search on my site and am Authorized to opt into this advanced service.